Membership Application

Membership Application Notes

Thanks for visiting our ‘How to become a Member’ webpage.
Please complete the fields shown below, and one of our people will make contact with you to discuss your preferences.
Here are some notes to help you complete this from:


Only one type selectable.

  • The amount shown is the total annual subscription. We have no ‘Entrance’ fee.
  • *Country: Must be a Full Member of another Club. Includes full playing rights in Club events.
  • *Limited: All weekdays except Wednesday. Tee off before Midday Saturdays and Public Holidays. Sunday play requires a green fee of $20.
  • *Summer: From the start of Daylight savings to the conclusion of Daylight saving dates.
Date of Birth:

This is a requirement for prospective Junior and Intermediate members, and optional for others. The alternative is to enter N/A.

Payment Options:

The preferred method for membership subscriptions is to pay either by Internet Banking direct to the Club bank account (01-0671-0004467-00) or by EFTPOS at the Club during office hours (daily 8.30am – 3.30pm).

Subscriptions are to be paid in full by the due date. However, depending on the membership type, they may be paid by instalment (weekly, monthly or quarterly). Please enquire at the office if you wish to pay by instalment – email to

Proposer & Seconder:

Please enter a Name and approximate time you have known each other. These fields are required.

Are you currently a Member of a Golf Club:

Please enter details if you belong to another NZ or worldwide Golf Club. Alternatively enter No.

Have you belonged to another NZGA Golf Club in the past 10 years:

If Yes, please enter Club details and last known 7 digit ID number. Alternatively enter No.

Junior & Intermediate only, optional for others (or enter N/A).
NB. Proposer must have been a MGC member for at least the last 2 years.
NB. Seconder must have been a MGC member for at least the last 2 years.