Hello Golfers.
🌳 Wood working bee – tomorrow Wednesday 5 March 9am, 11 tee. There will be two splitters operating. BYO earmuffs, safety gear, and chainsaws. Yummy smoko will be provided.
Coring – It’s that time of year again. THE COURSE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY 11th to THURSDAY 13th MARCH.
⛳⛳Other course update – work has begun on the new STONE BRIDGE across the drain on the 11th tee. The bridge will be a stonework bridge with a gentle curve allowing golfers to cross the culvert with ease either on foot or cart. It will add to the beauty of the golf course and will be immediately visible as you drive into the club or are enjoying a drink on the deck of the clubhouse.
Thanks must be given to Dayle Scrimshaw for navigating the project through the council consent process and his assistance with the design requirements. Davis Lester Clarke will be doing the construction with help from Dayle and Gumboot, and stonework oversight being given by Gavin Coulsen.
This project is not a cost on the Golf Club but it is the vision of and is being funded by a small group of members. Any other members who would like to contribute to the project either by means of the sweat of their brow in helping select and shift rocks or by a cash donation, should talk to Bob Tosswill or Pete Price 🙂
Grumpies results 25 February – Par round, 1st Johnny Gray +7, 2nd – 5th all on +2 in the following order – Bruce Sollitt, Chris Handley, Lachie McLeod, and Brent McKinlay. Brent got a Two on #6, and Bob Lindberg on #16.
Thursday Club results 27 February – Stableford round, 1st Matt Thomas 44, 2nd Johnny Gray 43, 3rd – 5th all on 41 in the following order – Griff Page, Stu Taplin, and Bob Schofield. Matt Thomas had a great day, also scoring two Twos on #8 and #16. A Two on #6 for Malcolm Wood, #8 for Seanoa Isaac, Chris Handley, and Dayle Scrimshaw, Vern Anton on #12, and Chris Ranish on #16. Nearest the Pin for Pete Price.
Coming up:
Wed 5 March – Wood working bee
Sat 8 March – Men’s Interclub – Div 2 @ home vs Mornington, Div 9 @ home vs Karori, Div 12 @ Otaki vs Otaki
Sat 8 & Sun 9 March – Weekend Comps – Medal/Putting, Shoot Out rounds 3 & 4, $20 cash to enter
Sun 9 March – Tilson Salver @ Mahunga vs Masterton
Happy golfing 🙂