MCG News 24/04/18



Finally a fine Wednesday and there was very little space in the carpark by 9am. Whats more the Bar was open, a rarity on a Wednesday, thanks to the efforts of Marie Scrimshaw. Marie joins the Exclusive One Club  with a superb Hole in One on the 6th Hole, and naturally picked up the All Teed Up NTP on that hole.

The Weeks comp HPMC Stableford was won by Jenny Wilkie.  In second place was Ju Allen on a countback from Player of the Day Marie Scrimshaw. Congrats to you.  Elaine Sutherland got the only two of the day.  Cafe Medici  NTP No 8 was won by Elaine Howe.

There were twenty two entered into the Tuesday Grumpies. The competition was Stableford with 1st place going to Andrew Lawler on 38 pts. 2nd Adrian Blackett 37 pts and Julie Warner 35points. Not sure what happened to the four who misplaced their cards, guessing they may have had a spot of bother.

The Selector was fizzing on Saturday afternoon after the mens Division  6 lads had a stunning win at Home over Judgeford 14/1, this has propelled the team to top of the table by 14 points with three away rounds remaining. These matches are all off the stick so sometimes the player can be the sacrificial lamb when the other selector puts you against their best player when you are usually down the list. In the Singles Chris Ranish 8/6, John Warner 6/5, Sheldon Mc Namara 6/5 and Randal Warner 6/5. Colin Whibley Smith 4/3, Mark Lucock 4/3, Alistair Boyne 4/3. Craig Andrews 3/1, Glen Schofer 1Up. In the four ball John Warner and Sheldon 6/4, Chris Ranish and Colin Whibley Smith 6/5 Randal Warner and Mark Lucock 5/3, Craig Andrews and Glen Schofer 1 Up , Derek Stephen and Alistair Boyne 2/1.

On Sunday Martinborough hosted the Womens Interclub Tilson Salver.  Playing on the home course had definite advantages with the women scoring 6 out of 6 against Castlepoint.  Kris Chamberlain 6/5, Sandra Petersen 3/2, Carol Parkinson 2/1 and Emily Loughnan 2 Up. In the four ball Kris and Sandra 3/2 and Carol and Emily 2/1.

The Men headed to Masterton GC to play Mahunga in Marquis Shield and finished the day  even and two team points each. Singles wins to Chris Ranish, Dean Scheaf, Paul Mc Kenzie, Garry Cuttance and Soli Noval. Alistair Boyne and Alan Heath all square. In the four ball wins to Dean Sheaf and Craig Andrews, Alan Heath and Paul Mc Kenzie. Chris Ranish and Randal Warner and Derek Stephen and Alistair Boyne all square.

This Friday the Club is Hosting the Wairarapa Womens Four Ball Best Ball Open and on Sunday four of our gals head to Wairakei Intl Golf Course to compete in the finals of the Kiwi Challenge. Good Luck to Marilyn MacKenzie, Jo Loe, Lyle Griffiths and Pam Messervy.