Tuesday Tome 24th May 2022

Beautiful day out on the course today with a good turnout of Grumpies enjoying the sunshine.

Coming up this week we have the Jan & Doug Ferguson Farewell Tournament on Thursday – everyone is welcome – please have your card in before midday – you can make up your own four or you can go in the draw.  The cost for this is $10.

On Sunday we have the Ngahau Trophy/Grandma and Grandpas tournament – for those of you who do not qualify for any of the above there are divisions for non-grandmas and non-grandpas.  Registration is 10.00am with tee off at 11.00am.  Please let me know if you wish to play.

For those of you who put your names down for the Martin 4 Ball the draw is up on the noticeboard.

On to results from last week:  Grumpies played a Par round with Arthur Warren leading the way on +1, Malcolm Bridge 0, Rick Hargreaves, Rob Smith and Greg Dalton -1.  Malcolm Bridge was the only one to get a two.   It should be noted that one of the Grumpies may need to go to Specsavers as they managed to drive off in the wrong cart and didn’t notice until they went to get their driver out!!!!

On Wednesday the 9 holers had an away day at Eketahuna where they played a nett fun round then drew out 5 random numbers from 1-9 and counted those 5 holes to get their winners – Sandra Burgess and Tania Williamson both on 28.  This was combined with a putting round – winners Debbie, Sherryl and Stephanie all on 17 putts.

The 18 holers hosted their Open Day last Wednesday.   There was an excellent field of 62 players from far and wide with Jill Lockett from Masterton winning the Sherry Weatherstone Trophy for the best nett.  Div 1 gross winners were 1st Pip Smith (Royal Wellington), 2nd Wendy Rhodes (Judgeford), 3rd Kris Chamberlain.  Nett 1st Sherry Weatherstone, 2nd Carol Parkinson, 3rd Christine May (Shandon) and 4th Ju Allen.  Div 2 gross winners were 1st Francie Duffy (Eketahuna), 2nd Bindy McLeod and 3rd Lindy Williamson (Masterton).  Nett 1st Ann Hart (Castlepoint), 2nd Jane Williams (Masterton), 3rd Nora Priest (Hastings), 4th Marie Scrimshaw, 5th Britta Fraser (Judgeford), 6th Jane Terpstra, 7th Amy Prince (Hutt Park), 8th Rosie Collins and 9th Alison Tipler.  Longest drive:  Div 1 Pip Smith, Div 2 Britta Fraser.  Nearest the pin #6 Yuriko Manabe (Shandon), #8 Jo McKenzie (Shandon), #12 Lindy Williamson #16 Angela Busby.  Twos went to Robyn Orton (Hastings), Kris Chamberlain and Jane Williams.

Thursday Club had a good turnout but unfortunately the weather wasn’t very kind and a number of players were called in off the course due to thunder and lightning.  The winners on the day were Malcolm Bridge 37 points, Kris Chamberlain, Andrew Sim, Andy Morison, Rob Coy, David Kershaw and Seamus O’Sullivan all on 36 points.  Twos went to Mariana McDermott, Kris Chamberlain, Doug Clark, Andy Morison, Jason Shaw and Paul Riddiford.  Nearest the pin went to Tora Boyne.

Saturday was a Shoot Out/Medal/Putting round with Alison Tipler winning with nett 75, Ro Griffiths and Andy Morison 77.  Andy won the putting with 26 putts and Ju Allen was the only one to get a two.

Sunday was a Stableford with Olivia Clark taking the money with 38 points on a countback from Phil Eberlein, Julie Dondertman 37 points and Jason Burt 36.  The only two of the day went to Malcolm Wood.

On Sunday the men were playing Marquis Shield at Masterton against Carterton with wins going to John Warner, Steve Croft, Brent McKinlay, Peter Gray, Malcolm Bridge, Paul McKenzie and Tora Boyne and halving their matches were Chris Ranish, Shane Hartnell and Glenn Harper.  In the 4 balls John and Jason halved, Chris and Brian Russo won as did Steve and Brent, Peter and Malcolm, Shane and Paul and Tora and Glenn.

That’s it for another week.
