Tuesday Tome 8th November 2022

The course is looking stunning today and a number of Grumpies are out enjoying the fine weather.

Can I please remind those of you who won trophies last year to return them asap as they need to be engraved before Closing Day.

This Saturday is the final chance to get into the Shoot Out Final which will be played on Sunday 27th November.

On Sunday we are hosting Royal Wellington to contest the Bidwill/Leckie Cup – the course will be closed from 11.30am so if you intend to play in the morning you will need to be off the course by then.

Thursday 17th November it is our Murray Halberg Day – if you intend playing you will need to have your card in by 11.30am for a 12.00pm tee off.  Entry is $20.

Saturday 19th November we have the 36 Hole Mixed 4Somes – there are still places available so find yourself a partner and enter with the office.

On to results from last week:  Grumpies played a Stableford round with Tony Taylor winning with 39 points, Trevor Petersen, Griff Page and Chris Handley all had 38 points.  Twos went to Wayne Phelps, Ed Brown, Malcolm Wood and Paul Harris.

Last Wednesday the 9 holers had their Shoot Out final with Debbie Coom winning from Jane Fanselow-Price 2nd, Sherryl Howie 3rd, Tania Williamson 4th, Jill Murphy 5th, Jo Guscott 6th, Pat Wood 7th, Kay Harvey 8th, Billie Holmes 9th and Michele Falleni 10th.

Not quite as many as usual playing on Thursday with Vern Anton winning with 36 points from Michael Tosswill also on 36, Duncan Didsbury, Ed Elworthy and Chris Handley all on 34 points.  Nearest the pin was Rob Keall (Manor Park) and there were no twos.

The finals of the Club Championships were played on Saturday, and the winners were:

Ladies:  Silvers:  Sandra Petersen beat Debbie Donaldson, Bronze A:  Julie Weber beat Marie Scrimshaw, Bronze B:  Karen Stephens beat Alison Tipler, Bronze A Plate:  Emily Loughnan beat Karen Shaw.

Men:  Seniors:  Tony Russo beat Troy Shaw, Intermediates:  Seamus O’Sullivan beat George Kirk, Juniors:  Dayle Scrimshaw beat Trevor Petersen.

Sunday was the penultimate Shoot Out qualifying round with Martin Napier leading the way on nett 72, Trevor Petersen 73 and Shayne Cater 74.  Twos went to Martin Napier, Trevor Petersen and myself.

That’s it for another week.
