MCG News 23/09/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

The fine spring weather has made for a pleasurable golfing week, with plenty of action across the board.

The 9-holers played 1st round of the Club Champs; as there were more not involved in champs some played a Stableford round: 1st : Gaylene Selby-Neal (20) on CB to Sandra Burgess, 3rd: Katrina Burgess 19 on CB to Sherryl Howie. Nearest the Pins Gaylene Selby-Neal & Sherryl Howie.

Ladies first round of the Club Championships was held last Wednesday, but there are few players taking part in each division that a large number of people had a bye.  Round two will be held this Wednesday with many playing their first match.   Open Day will be held on Friday 5 October, they would love to see as many of you playing as possible. Please give your name and club i.d. number to Sharon ( or 308 8956).

Thursday club had a great turn-out for their big prize tournament, 52 players turned up and for those that weren’t lucky at golf had a chance to win some great raffle prizes. 1stChris Ranish (43), 2ndBill Jago (42), 3rdCarl Petersen and Craig Andrews (41). Twos: Chris Ranish (2), Craig Colton, Allan Eagle, George Kirk, Pete Price & Bill Jago. Longest drives: Nige Malneek, David Kershaw & Sandra Petersen. Nearest the pins: Craig Colton, Pete Price, Doug Clark & Carl Petersen.

Saturday’s tournament was stableford. 1stJulie Warner (42), 2ndCraig Andrews (40), 3rdTora Boyne (39). Twos: Malcolm Bridge.

Sunday was a cracker day and the AB Martin aka ‘divorce-ament’ had 24 game couples turn up. 1stTrevor & Sandra Petersen (70.5) on CB from Doug & Jan Fergusson. 3rdRon Wall & Adele Cairns (71) on CB from Doug & Honor Clark. No lawyers required and a fun day was had by all, hopefully we’ll see everyone return for the 72 hole mixed foursomes on the first weekend in November.

Men’s 72/36 hole tournament this weekend – good golfing everyone!

Photo: Trevor & Sandra Petersen

MCG News 16/09/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

After last week’s wash out everyone managed to get a game in this week, there might even be some sun burnt golfers after Sunday’s Lamb & Chardonnay tournament!!

Grumpies played stableford; 1stRay Matthews on CB from Guy Walmsley; 3rdAndy Morison.

The nine-holers played combined competition to catch up. Stableford 1stJan Fergusson on CB from Jaquee Reed 18, 3rdSandra Burgess on CB from Sherryl Howie 17. Nearest the pins Sherryl Howie and Elizabeth Goodall. Thurlow Four Ball Best Ball – 1stSherryl Howie & Billie Holmes 20, 2ndJan Fergusson & Jenny Tosswill 18, 3rdMichele Falleni & Jenny Tucker 13.

On Wednesday the ladies also played combined competition, Par: Carol Parkinson (all square), 2ndSandra Petersen (-2), 3rdJu Allen (-3). Nett 1stCarole Parkinson (74), 2ndSandra Petersen (75), 3rdMariana McDermott (77); Mariana also won the putting with 32. Nearest the pins: Felicity Warren and Lyle Griffiths. On Friday the ladies finally broke the drought and for the 50thplaying of the Ladies Stout Challenge took the cup from Royal Wellington, Sandra Petersen had 40 points – top score of the day – well done ladies!

Thursday club: 1stChris Ranish & Bill Gordon (40), 3rdPaul McKenzie and Andrew Sim (39). Twos: Doug Clark, Joel Macklin, Sheldon McNamara, Ro Griffiths & Bill Gordon. Nearest the pin: Keith Rayner.

Sunday was a stunning day with a light breeze, thanks to sponsors Eastwood Motor Group for putting on a great Lamb and Chradonnay tournament! 1stTeam Nick Morison (Doug Vrame, James Blundell, Don McCreary & Nick Morison) – 57.125, 2ndTeam Fahey 58.125, 3rdTeam Trevor Hawkins (Doug Clark, Matt Thomas, Richard Mills & Trev) –  59, 4thTeam Shane Hartnell (Nige Malneek, Craig Colton, Scotty the butcher & Shane) 59.25.  The meat packs look great!

AB Martin mixed foursomes (aka the divorce tournament!) coming up this Sunday and don’t forget to register for the men’s 72/36 hole tournament 29th– 30thSeptember. Good golfing everyone!

The winning team below : Lamb & Chardonnay. Doug Vrame, James Blundell, Nick Morison, Don McCreary.

MCG News 09/09/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

Well golfers, what a wash out to the start of spring!  As predicted not much golf played in Martinborough this week, the course remained waterlogged until the weekend.  This week looks much more promising with plenty of sunshine and fine days forecast.

Sunday was the only competitive outing of the week, the competition was medal and putting. 1st Stuart Taplin 68, 2nd John Warner 73, 3rd Ro Griffiths 74, 4th Bevan Sweeney & Julie Warner 75. Twos: Stuart Taplin x 2 (Tappy’s back!!) and Pete Griffiths won the putting on 30 with some clever off the green approach shots!

This Sunday is the Lamb and Chardonnay Ambrose Tournament, it should be a great day.  

Thursday Club is having a tournament next week on the 20th September – great prizes – all welcome.

The AB Martin mixed foursomes is scheduled for the 23rd September, if you’re worried it might lead to divorce, do not fear, put your name down and we’ll find you a new friend!

The ‘Jennian Homes’ Men’s 72/36 hole stroke tournament is being held on 29th-30th September – please get your entries in to Sue by 24th September, this is a great tournament.

So, dry out your gloves and towels and wipe the mud from your trundlers and good golfing everyone!

MCG News 02/09/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

Well golfers, spring has sprung…..a leak it would seem.  I don’t think much pleasurable golf will get played this week as the southerlies and rain line up for attack.

Twenty Grumpies played last week, 1st Peter Price +5, 2nd Guy Walmsley +3, 3rd Malcolm Bridge +2. Twos: Lachie McLeod & Ted Peacock. Five unfortunates didn’t make it past the ladies tees – hopefully Terry will give us a glimpse of the league table soon!

9-holers played stableford, 1st Gaylene Delby-Neal, 2nd Katrina Burgess, 3rd Sandy Burgess. Nearest the pins: Jane Fanslow-Price & Katrina Burgess.

Ladies played a nett round with putting. 1st Marilyn MacKenzie 78, 2nd on CB from Adele Cairns, 3rd Rosie McLeod – a good welcome home game! Twos: Adele Cairns, Carol Parkinson won the putting with 33 putts. There’s still time to register for the 50th anniversary of the Lady Stout Competition against Royal Wellington on Friday 14th September.

Thursday club was a rollover from last week so the prizes were great! 1st Sir William Southgate 43, 2nd Nick Allen, Pete Price & Glen Schofer 39, 5th Tony Taylor, Joel Macklin and John Warner 38. Twos: Arthur Warren, Bill Jones, Chris Wilkie, Michael Tosswill & Greg Dalton. Nearest the pin was won with a supreme hole in one by Bevan Sweeney on number 8 – his first – congratulations! We might see Bevan in a hat for the next few weeks after having his head shaved for the Cancer Society on daffodil day, good on you Sweenze!

Saturday’s tournament was stableford, 1st Chris Ranish & Julie Warner 38, 3rd John Warner 36, 4th Sheldon McNamara 35. Twos: Chris Ranish & Sandra Petersen.  Sunday’s competition was medal. 1st Sandra Petersen 64, 2nd John Warner 66, 3rd John Taylor 70 and 4th Stuart Taplin & Carl Petersen 71. Twos: Sandra Petersen. Putting: Sandra Petersen 27 – well cleaned up Mrs P!

Enjoy the first week of spring golfers! Remember Lamb & Chardonnay Open Ambrose Tournament on Sunday 16th September, hurry and register now, places are running out!

MCG News 26/08/18

Martinborough Golf Club Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

After a good spell of weather, last week was very unsettled, Grumpies had to admit defeat to the rain.  Thirty idiots…erm…brave souls turned up to play on Thursday but after 9 holes the suckers gap had closed in and the torrential rain fell and all were found back in the club house enjoying the new heat pump and the bar!

The rain cleared for Wednesday golfers, the 9-holers rallied 12 players and played two competitions to catch up from last week. Stableford 1st Tingay Davidson (16), 2nd Katrina Burgess on cb Sherryl Howie (14).  Putting 1st Jan Fergusson (15), 2nd Sherryl Howie & Pat Wood (17) and 4th Katrina Burgess (18). Ladies played par, Jaclyn Kras won with Marie Scrimshaw on c/b both all square, 3rd Sandra Petersen -4 on c/b from Lyle Griffiths on c/b from Sylvia Beavis. The Lady Stout competition is on Friday 15th September against Royal Wellington, put your name on the notice board.

This weekend was the 36 hole men’s championship.  Best nett was won by Malcolm Bridge (71 & 73), best gross division 3 (17-24) Alan Heath- 197 (I won’t mention how many were in this division!), best gross division 2 (10-17) Andy Morison- 168, and best gross division 1 (0-10) Anthony North -158.

There was a good turn out on Sunday and the competition was medal, 1st equal on 71- Mark Lucock, John Warner, Terry Blacktop & Dayle Scrimshaw, twos went to Dayle Scrimshaw and Colin Whibley-Smith

The very popular Lamb & Chardonnay tournament is being held on 11th September – get your entries into Sue ASAP as places are limited.

Special congratulations to Pete and Rachel Griffiths on their new arrival – baby Ben, who was born last Wednesday!

MCG News 19/08/18

Martinborough Golf Report 

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

This Saturday a few brave souls braved the elements and played in the Lefties/Righties tournament – the morning was a washout and although it cleared in the afternoon it remained bitterly cold! Best gross Johnny Schu & John Mitchell (157), 2nd Shane Hartnell & Andy Small (161). Best Nett Stephen Mawdesley & Ngahooro (136), 2nd Nigel Messenger & Jim Walsh. KC Memorial ‘worst forking shot’ honours went to Jim Dunlop. Best nett woman Mariana McDermott & Alison Sim (166), Best nett mixed John & Julie Warner (143), 2nd Sandra Petersen & Andy Sim (146). Nearest the pins: Roger Ngahooro, Nigel Messenger, Peter Churchill & Jim Walsh. Thanks go to Sponsor Trust House, and Sandra Petersen for great organisation!

Grumpies played stableford last week, 1st Doug Fergusson (41), 2nd Malcolm Bridge, Ray Matthews & Nick Allen (39), 5th Andy Morison (38).

Unfortunately the 9 holers and ladies were rained out on Wednesday.

Thursday brought wind to start, then it settled down beautifully for the 40 golfers that played. 1st Dean Schaef (44), 2nd Andy Morison, Brian Russo (41), 4th Guy Walmsley & Chris Ranish (40). Twos: Brian Russo, Chris Wilkie, Dean Schaef, Sheldon McNamara & Gary James. Nearest the pin Dean Schaef.

Sunday was a crackerjack day, 1st Jan Fergusson, 2nd Ro Griffiths & Mark Trafford (37), 4th John Taylor, John Warner & Terry Fraei. The only two was Shayne Cater.

Special congratulations go to life member Bill Jones and his wife Mavis who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last Thursday – thanks to Derek & Karen Stephens for buying us a drink to toast them! 

Have a good week golfers!

MCG News 12/08/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

Well golfers, halfway through August and getting a bit damp underfoot but all in all some pretty decent temperatures!

Grumpies results:- 1stNick Allen (41), 2ndRichard Thompson and Ro Griffiths (39), 4thGuy Walmsley and David Marsh (36).

9 holers ran two competitions this week:- Four ball-best-ball, 1stJan Ferguson & Jenny Tosswill (21), 2ndDebbie Coon & Leonie Wilde (20), 3rdSherryl Howie & Billie Holmes (18). Stableford: 1stJan Ferguson (21), 2ndDebbie Coon (17) on count back, 3rdJenny Tucker (17). Nearest the pin 8 – Sherryl Howie, and on 16 – Jan Ferguson.

Wednesday Ladies played stableford:- 1stAlison Tipler (42), 2ndSandra Petersen (39), 3rdSherry Weatherstone (36). Nearest the pin 6 – Honor Clark, and 8 – Sandra Petersen.

Thursday club saw 60 golfers soaking up the sunshine this week, 1stRob Lopez and Guy Walmsley (43), 3rdSandy Bidwill (41), 4thTony Taylor, Matt Thomas, Brian Russo and Sheldon McNamara (39). Nearest the pin – Ailsa Malneek, Two’s – Ailsa Malneek & Doug Clark.

Saturday’s competition was Par, 1stChris Ranish (4), 2ndJohn Warner (3), 3rdTerry Fraei and Alistair Boyne (2). Two’s – Chris Ranish.

Sunday’s competition was stableford, 1stSandra Petersen (40) on count back from Malcolm Bridge, 3rd, Doug Clark (39), 4thDerek Stephens and Pete Price (38). Two’s Malcolm Wood and John Warner.

Names are being taken for men’s 36 hole strokeplay on 25th/26thAugust, contact Sue or put your name down on the board – this is a lead up to club champs. Have a great week golfers and remember to replace those divots!

MCG News 05/08/18

Martinborough Golf Club Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

A soggy start to August but the mild temperatures continue, much to the delight of golfers and farmers alike!

Grumpies played bisque par this week. 1stPeter Price +9, 2ndRick Hargreaves +6 and 3rdRo Griffiths +5.

9 Holers played par this week and on countback 1stJenny Jobin, 2ndJan Ferguson, 3rdDebbie Coom – all on -1. Nearest the pin on 16 – Jan Ferguson.

Another huge turnout on Thursday –  53 golfers making the most of a sunny afternoon. 1stNick Allen 44, 2ndScott Reid and Bill Gordon 41, 4thShane Hartnell, Malcolm Bridge, Sheldon McNamara, Ro Griffiths & Guy Walmsley on 40. Twos: Bryce Neems, Stuart Taplin, Ro Griffiths, Andrew Sim and Nick Allen, nearest the pin: Malcolm Wood.

Weekends competition was medal; Saturday: 1stSheldon McNamara 65, 2ndMalcolm Wood 66, 3rdColin Whibley Smith and John Warner 70. Twos: Malcolm Wood (2), Dayle Scrimshaw, Chris Ranish and Patrick Pedlow. Sunday: 1stJohn Warner 67, 2ndMalcolm Wood and Trevor Hawkins 70, 4thDerek Stephens 72. Twos: Malcolm Wood (2 – again!), Doug Clark and Kris Chamberlain – who also won the putting with 26.

Good luck to the ladies who are heading off to Fiji this Saturday to play in the Denerau Womens Golf Classic – I hear that the fancy dress themes are infamous!

Well done to the winners of the initial rounds played in the Harry Kershaw Foursomes and Martin Fourball.

MCG News 29/07/18

Martinborough Golf Club Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

Another good week of weather and another month of winter behind us!

9 Holer’s this week a foggy start but good finish:- 1st Katrina Burgess (c.b) and Tingay Davidson , 3rd Mary Herrick, 4th Jenny Tosswill (c.b) and Debbie Coom. Nearest the Pin:- 8 – Katrina Burgess, 16 – Tingay Davidson.

Ladies played stableford this week:- 1st Sandra Petersen (39), 2nd Marion Mckenzie (38), 3rd Karen Shaw (32). Twos: Sandra Petersen and Karen Shaw (2). Nearest the pin 6 & 8 – Sandra Petersen, hopefully the golf was as good on the GC this week Sandra!

Grumpies:- 1st Guy Walmsley (47), 2nd Nick Morison (40), 3rd Doug Fergusson, Sandy Bidwill and Andy Morison (39).

Thursday club saw 50 golfers and a warm sunny afternoon:- 1st Sheldon McNamara (45), 2nd Malcolm Bridge (44), 3rd Vern Anton (43). Nearest the pin: Sheldon McNamara. Twos: Andy Morison, Dayle Scrimshaw, Mark Trafford, Malcolm Bridge and Vern Anton.

Saturday:- 1st Sheldon McNamara (64), 2nd John Warner (68), 3rd Alistair Boyne (70).

Sunday results:- 1st Malcolm Bridge (67), 2nd John Taylor (71), 3rd Stuart Taplin, Colin Whibley-Smith, Dean Schaef, Derek Stephens, Bevan Sweeney, Malcolm Wood (72). Twos: John Warner, Derek Stephens, Doug Clark.

A mixed weather forecast for this week, but still pretty mild for August – have a good week golfers!

MCG News 15/05/18

 Pallbearers of Mr Ian Henderson Patron and Life member of Martinborough GC carry him past the 18th Green.


By Jenny Boyne

The Club house was packed with family and friends, Eagles, Lions and Members on Tuesday afternoon for the funeral of our Clubs Patron and  Life member  Mr Ian Henderson. Ian was a member for over fifty years and was the Handicapper for many years. He played and assisted with the smooth running of numerous tournaments and would have to hold the record for being able to add scorecards almost as quick as todays autoscore reader. We were reminded that Ian was Dux at both schools he attended before embarking on a lifetime career at Wright Stephenson Stock and Station Agents, and through several mergers and acquisitions is now PGG Wrightsons. Ian was also very proud to be a member of the Eagles Society, for those who have no idea what those lads in the red jackets do, their Societys aims are to establish a fellowship of golfers, to foster the game of golf, assist in encouraging and instructing junior golfers, and promote sportsmanship, skill and etiquette. Active support is also given to charity, in particular the Halberg Trust, and in supporting Junior tournaments throughout the provinces, and yes women are now also members.

Our sincerest condolences to Ians  extended family and friends.

The nine holers have been busy over the last couple of Wednesdays  playing away. Firstly at Ngawi where they started the day at Pat Woods Holiday house for Morning Tea, and then after a round of golf they stopped into Lake Ferry Hotel.

And last week due to the coring of the greens they played at Mahunga followed by lunch at Dish Café.  Another great day!

Both competitions were Putting & Billie Holmes won both days with 13 Putts.

At Ngawi 2nd was Julie Riddell & Barbie Cox both on 14 Putts.

Longest Drive: Ann Renall
Nearest Pin:  Gaylene Selby-Neal
At Mahunga 2nd:  Sandra Burgess & Sherryl Howie on 16 Putts
Nearest the Pin:  Jan Ferguson

The 18 holers finally got their 3rd round Qualifying Captains Trophy, Shootout and  LGU played with Ju Allen in first place with an impressive Nett 67. 2nd Angela Busby with Nett 70 and 3rd Sharon Jephson with a Nett 72.

The Wellington District National Teams Final was played last  Friday at Te Marua.  Well done to the Martinborough team of Ju Allen, Lyle Griffiths, Gretel Dick and Sherry Weatherstone for coming third.

Our Open Day was scheduled to be held on Friday 1st  June has been postponed and will now be  held on Friday 5 October.

The penultimate round of Mens Interclub on Saturday was played at Masterton against the Hosts. The lads came away with a 8.5 to 6.5 win. In the singles wins to John Warner 3/1, Sheldon Mc Namara 3/2, Malcolm Wood 3/2, Colin Whibley Smith all square, Glen Schofer 1 Up and Alistair Boyne in haste to get to rugby down the Valley bruised his man 4/3, where the local derby between Martinborough and Tuhirangi resulted in an 85 nil win to the home side. Their two fifty fours years old defended well in the latter half. In the foursomes John Warner and Sheldon Mc Namara 4/3, Malcolm Wood and Colin Whibley Smith 1 Up, Nick Morison and Alistair Boyne 2 Up.

The Silvers played Masterton at Manor Park winning 5.5 to 3.5. Wins to Jenny Wilkie, 5/4, Sherry Weatherstone 3/2, Sandra Petersen and Netia Morison all square  in their singles. In the four ball  Sherry Weatherstone and Ju Allen 3/1 and Jenny Wilke and Netia Morison 1 up.

The Bronze gals played Judgeford at Te Marua, going down 5 to 4. Wins in the singles to Sylvia Beavis 3/2, Alison Tipler 2 Up and Louise Smith 2 Up. In the four ball Sylvia Beavis and Anglea Busby 5/4.

This Friday is Riverside Cup at Carterton and Next Friday the women compete for the Rew and Mc Cracken Trophy at Masterton.