MGC NEWS 16/06/19

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

The shortest day is tomorrow – so as well as remembering to plant your garlic, you can celebrate that the days will be getting lighter…..slowly but surely!!

Grumpies first up as usual – 1stBill Gordon 40, 2ndCaptain Morison 39, 3rdRoger Smearton  36. Twos went to Malcolm Bridge and John Errington.

Ladies played LGU, putting and shootout and there are no changes to the shootout standings. In top form for the putting was Sandra Petersen with just 26 putts, followed by Adele Cairns and Venetia Morison with 31 putts. Sandra also had the best nett score with 74.  Sue Dinnison and Adele Cairns had 77. Nearest the Pins were: All Teed Up No 6 Julie Dondertman and Cafe Medici No 8 Angela Busby.

The 9 Hole group has finished their Handicapped Champs with Debbie Coom the winner, and Sherryl Howie the runner up.  Billie Holmes won the plate with Jenny Joblin the runner up.  12th June results from a putting round:  1st Jenny Tucker 12 putts, 2nd Jenny Tosswill 15 putts, 3rd Mary Herrick and Jane Fanselow –Price 16 putts.  Nearest the Pin Tingay Davidson.

Thursday club proved that some players will do anything to get out of staying at home – although I was assured it was very mild out there it certainly was wet!!  1stMalcolm Wood 42, 2ndSky Elworthy 38, 3rd= Doug Clark, Captain Morison, Chris Ranish & Nick Morison.  Twos: the Captain, Doug Clark, Malcolm Wood & Colin Whibly-Smith – nearest the pin Doug Clark.

Sunday was the Ngahau trophy and Grandma/Grandpa tournament and from all accounts was a successful day out with the sun shining.  The winners of the Ngahau trophy (Committee members) were Trevor Hawkins and Mary Desbonnet.  Grandmas in the prizes were – 1stMary Desbonnet 35, 2ndBindy McLeod 29 3rdSandra Petersen 28.  Grandpas 1st= Trevor Hawkins and Phil Eberlein 41, 3rdMalcolm Wood 39, 4thBob Tosswill 38. Non-grandmas 1stKaren Shaw 35, 2ndMariana McDermott 32; Non-Grandpas 1stBevan Sweeny 39, 2ndDayle Scrimshaw 36, 3rdSteve Croft 35.  Twos Malcolm Wood & Pete Price.

The course is looking good but do your part by replacing divots and pitch marks – good golfing everyone!

Photo: (L/R) Trevor Hawkins, Mary Desbonnet, and Phil Eberlein.