Tuesday Tome 21st March 2023

Lovely sunny day today with a bit of a breeze which doesn’t seem to have deterred the Grumpies.

Coming up this week we have the Featherborough Tournament on Thursday, rego 11.00am with a 12.00pm tee off – entry is $20.  On Friday the ladies are playing Riverside Cup at Eketahuna against Carterton and on Sunday the Marquis Shield team are also at Eketahuna playing Masterton. On Monday the Silver Pennants team are at Masterton against Otaki and we are hosting the Bronze Combo Pennants teams so the course will be out of action until mid afternoon.

Last weekend Div 10 were playing at Shandon where they had a good win.  In the 4 ball matches Colin Whibley-Smith & Shayne Cater, Peter & Jackson Gray, Pete Griffiths & Malcolm Bridge and Shayne Hammond & Tora Boyne all had wins and Seanoa Isaac &  Seamus O’Sullivan had a half.  In the singles Colin, Seanoa, Jackson, Pete, Malcolm and Shayne all had wins and Seamus and Tora both halved their matches.

On Monday the Silver Pennants team were at Judgeford playing Masterton.  In the 4 ball Sandra Petersen & myself won and in the singles Sandra, myself, Ju Allen and Emily Loughan all had wins.

The Bronze Combo team were away at Kapiti playing Judgeford where they won all their 4 ball matches and in the singles Jo Loe, Honor Clark, Julie Weber, Nicola Warren and Felicity Warren all won their matches.

The 9 hole interclub team were at Masterton playing Shandon.  Debbie Coom, Tingay Davidson and Lizzy Thomson all had wins.

Results from last weeks competitions:  Grumpies played a Par round with Wayne Phelps leading the way on +4, Malcolm Bridge +3, Graham Wilson +2 and Bob Tosswill and Ro Griffiths -1.  Twos went to Malcolm, Ro, Bob and Seamus O’Sullivan.

On Wednesday the 18 holers also played a Par round with Kelly Taylor winning on countback on +1 from Honor Clark, Sandra Petersen and Bindy McLeod all square and Julie Weber and Marion McKenzie -1.  The only two of the day went to Kelly.  Nearest the pins were Jo Loe on #6 and Jenny Wilkie on #8.

The 9 holers had a putting competition with Philippa Reid the winner with 14 putts, Jenny Joblin with 15 along with Pat Wood and Jenny Tosswill.

Thursday Club had a good turnout with Ro Griffiths winning with 39 points on a countback from Sandra Petersen and Guy Walmsley, Kheinan Morrisey, Bob Schofield, Mariana McDermott and Shane Hislop all on 36 points.  Twos went to George Fenwick, myself, Shane Colton, Seamus O’Sullivan, Colin Whibley-Smith and Guy Walmsley.  Nearest the pin went to George Kirk.

The weekend competitions were Stableford with Honor Clark the winner on Saturday with 38 points.  I was the only one to get a two.  On Sunday Shane Hartnell won with 40 points, Chris Brooks and Doug Clark 39 and John Warner and Alastair Petersen 37 points.  Doug Clark got the only two of the day.

This weekend the competitions are Medal/Putting/Shoot Out.  Please note the course will be very busy on Saturday morning as we have a large group teeing off at 8.00am.

That’s it for this week.
