Tuesday Tome 30Jul24

Hello Golfers.

Firstly, thanks to all those who came to the walkthrough last week. What fun it was to see our beautiful new building looking so good. A video of the view inside the club rooms is on our Facebook page if you missed out. https://www.facebook.com/MartinboroughGolfClub

A reminder about the wine fundraiser – we have had some great reviews and repeat orders, so the wine is going down a treat. We have raised $4,500 so far. Please share this among your friends/family as we have the capacity to raise $11,000 – can you help us get there? https://www.seicento.co.nz/product/2017-pinot-noir

The Saturday and Sunday competition was Stableford – (a reminder to pay $5 to the Office and write your name in the book). On Saturday there were three entries, 1st Guy Walmsley 36, 2nd Chris Brooks 31, 3rd on a countback John Warner 31. There were no Twos. There were 30 entries on Sunday, 1st Brett Abercrombie 38, 2nd Robbie Walters 37, 3rd Brian Russo 35 on a countback. Twos on #6 were Ed Brown and Alison Tipler, #8 Derek Stephens and Chris Ranish, #16 Richard Warren and Doug Clark.

Grumpies – Results from the Par round on Tuesday 23 July – 1st = Seamus O’Sullivan and Johnny Gray +2, 3rd Michael Eastwood +1, 4th Bob Schofield 0. Twos on #8 Brian Russo and Lachie McLeod, and on #16 Rick Hargreaves.

9-hole ladies – Last Wednesday 24 July we played a Nett round to incorporate LGU, Sue Bunt and our Shoot Out competition rounds. Results – 1st Tania Williamson 34, 2nd Doreen Allen 37, 3rd Ali Russell 38. PGG Wrightson’s closest to the pin #8 Jenny Tosswill, #16 Jenny Joblin.
Congratulations to all involved on a fabulous turn out for the Clubhouse walk through on Thursday. Very impressive. The 9-holers won 3 of the 4 raffles prizes!

18-hole ladies – Par results from Wednesday 24 July – 1st Angela Busby had an impressive +2, 2nd Kelly Taylor -1, 3rd Karen Shaw -2, 4th Juliana Allen on a countback -3 from Deidre Thomsen and Sarah Monaghan. Closest to the pin was Juliana on #6 and Julie Dondertman on #8. They both got their 2s! and Angela also got a 2 on #6.

The Clubhouse Fundraiser raffle is being drawn tomorrow! … $10 a ticket – there will be three draws for:
• a birdfeeder built and kindly donated by Richard Pither (Bernadette’s husband)
• a rockfish artwork by Angela Busby
• a yellowhead (bird) artwork by Angela Busby
The raffle is open to all club members and visitors. The three items are on display in the Clubhouse. The raffle will be drawn on 31 July 2024.
All proceeds will go to the Clubhouse fundraiser.

Thursday Club – Stableford results from Thursday 25 July – 1st Lizzy Thomson 43, 2nd Malcolm Bridge 40, 3rd Brian Russo 39. Nearest the Pin was Malcolm Bridge. Two Twos went to Malcolm Wood on #6 and #16, and #8 for Mike Charteris.

Sunday Club – Be ready for the Draw at 9.55am.

Clubs for Sale –
Right-handed Mizuno – Putter is a Taylor Made “Rosa” model. Clubs are Mizuno T-zoid with irons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, P and 56 deg. Woods are 1, 3, 5. Kindly donated by Stephen Church for the Clubhouse Fundraiser $250, see the office for viewing.
Left-handed – Power Bilt putter, Callaway irons, Cleveland and XXIO woods. Includes trundler, bag, umbrella. Kindly donated by Life member Ray Lind for the Clubhouse Fundraiser $350, see the office for viewing.

Office news – we’re wallowing in luxury with our new carpet! Many thanks to Derek and Karen Stephens for your donation to our comfort 😊😊

Coming up:
Saturday 3 August – Par
Sunday 4 August – Par

Happy golfing everyone 😊