Tuesday Tome 9Jul24

Hello Golfers.

The Saturday and Sunday competition was Medal/Putting – On Saturday, six players entered. Three were equal on 32 Putts, John Warner, Bruce Ward, and Chris Brooks. The Two on the day was John Warner on #8. The Net results – 1st Brent McKinlay 66, 2nd Byron Hegglin 72, and 3rd John Warner 73.
On Sunday there were 34 players – 1st Stu Taplin 68 Net, 2nd Jason Shaw 72 Net, and 3rd Bevan Sweeney 73 Net. #6 was popular for Twos – Shane Hislop, Chris Ranish, Marilyn MacKenzie, Dayle Scrimshaw, and Doug Clark. Steve Croft got a Two on #8. There were four players with 31 Putts – John Warner, Shayne Hammond, John Warner, and Tora Boyne.

This weekend the Saturday and Sunday comp is Medal/Putting 13 & 14 July and Rounds 15 and 16 of the Shoot Out.

9-hole ladies – Results from Wednesday 3 July – Four players braved the elements, Lizzy Thomson, Jenny Tosswill, Philippa Reid, and Tingay Davidson.

18-hole ladies – Results from Wednesday 3 July – Also four players that got out in the cold conditions, Marie Scrimshaw, Karen Shaw, Bindy McLeod, and Marion McKenzie.

The Clubhouse Fundraiser raffle has been extended!! … $10 a ticket – there will be three draws for:
• a birdfeeder built and kindly donated by Richard Pither (Bernadette’s husband)
• a rockfish artwork by Angela Busby
• a yellowhead (bird) artwork by Angela Busby

The raffle is open to all club members and visitors. The three items are on display in the Clubhouse. The raffle will be drawn on … tba.
All proceeds will go to the Clubhouse fundraiser.

Wine fundraiser for the Clubhouse – This is the 2017 Pinot Noir from the small Sei Cento block in Martinborough. There are just 600 vines and up to 600 (sei cento in Italian) bottles are sold each year, with the wine being aged before sale, so it’s mature and ready for drinking now.
This entire vintage is being donated towards the Martinborough Golf Club new clubhouse fundraising efforts. $20 from every bottle sold goes to the club. Members Emily & Rex have lovingly tended the vines and winemaker Wendy Potts has crafted the fruit into a delicious drop. Funds raised so far $4,200.

Grumpies – Results from the Par round on Tuesday 3 July – Four intrepid Grumpies trusted the Metservice forecast and played in clear, cool conditions. 1st Andy Morison +2, 2nd Sandy Bidwill -3, 3rd Malcolm Wood -4, and 4th Lachie McLeod -6. Andy also got a Two on #16.

Thursday Club – Stableford results from Thursday 4 July – 1st Rob Smith with 40 points, 2nd Jason Shaw and Bob Tosswill 37 points, 4th Greg Dalton, Doug Clark, and Scott Reid with 36 points. Nearest the Pin was Nigel Malneek, and Twos on #8 were Malcolm Bridge, Brian Russo, Kieran Hoverd, and Nigel Malneek, and on #16 were Chris Ranish and Shane Hislop.

Sunday Club – Be ready for the Draw at 9.55am.

Coming up:
Saturday 13 July – Medal/Putting, Shoot Out Round 15
Sunday 14 July – Medal/Putting, Shoot Out Round 16

Happy golfing everyone 😊