Tuesday Tome 15th November 2022

Perfect conditions for golf today so there should be some good scores this afternoon from the Grumpies.

This Thursday is our Murray Halberg Day, cards in by 11.30am for a 12.00pm tee off, entry is $20 and there are raffles and an auction after golf.

On Saturday we are hosting our 36 Hole Mixed 4Somes – find a partner and get your entry in to the office.  Registration is 8.30am for a 9.00am tee off.

On Sunday 27th November we have the Shoot Out Final and we need a large trailer for the day – if you have one or know of someone who has one please let either Sandra Petersen or Pete Griffiths know.

Last Friday the Ladies hosted Royal Wellington Ladies to compete for the Lady Stout.  The day started with morning tea before golf which was followed by lunch.  The format of the competition was Stableford.  It has been a few years since we won the trophy but on Friday Royal Wellington had to leave it behind as the average score for Martinborough was 31.785 and Royal Wellington 29.666. Congratulations to all who played.

On Sunday the Royal Wellington men came over to compete for the Bidwill/Leckie Cup and enjoyed a light lunch before golf followed by dinner.  The format of the day was singles, 4BBB and an 8 ball with the final result Martinborough 33 Royal Wellington 15.  That’s what I call a convincing win!!

Last Tuesday the Grumpies played a Par round with Malcolm Wood leading the way on +3, Martin Napier, Pete Halstead and Mariana McDermott +2.  Twos went to Paul Harris (2), Malcolm Wood (2), Martin Napier, Wayne Phelps, Alan Isaac and Terry Blacktop.

On Wednesday the ladies played their 36 Hole Strokeplay Championship with Anna Possenniskie winning best gross, Kris Chamberlain 2nd.  Best Nett went to Bernadette Pitcher, Felicity Warren 2nd.  Twos went to Kris, Felicity, Bindy McLeod and Ju Allen.

On Thursday the winner was Shane Hislop with 37 points on a countback from Ed Elworthy and Malcolm Bridge, Trevor Petersen and Kris Chamberlain 36, Derek Stephens and Bob Tosswill both on 35 points.  Nearest the pin went to Ed Elworthy and twos went to Rob Lopez, Malcolm Bridge and Wayne Phelps.

On Saturday it was the last qualifying round for the Shoot Out final.  The winner was Jason Shaw with nett 70 and Guy Walmsley nett 72.  John Warner had 27 putts and there were no twos.

That’s it for another week – the ladies have their AGM and Closing Day tomorrow and the Club AGM is to be held on Wednesday 7th December in the Clubhouse at 5.30pm.
