MCG News 10/10/17



Over the past few weeks there has been a steady rise in the numbers of members playing on Tuesdays and we have seen a number of players reaping the rewards from playing very well. Results from the last couple of weeks . 1st Murray Blackwell on 43 stableford points 2nd Doug Fergusson on 40pts and 3rd equal Mike Hattrick and Terry Blacktop 39pts. From 3rd Oct 1st Alan Eagle on 42 points from Guy Walmrsley on 39 with Nick Allen and Andrew McKenzie on 38pts.

The nine hole Women played a stableford round last Wednesday 1st Sherryl Howie 19 points 2nd Julie Riddell 18 points.

The Mens Club Championships are underway and in the Senior Championships George Kirk has played his way into the semi finals, his next opponent is John Warner. The quarter final between Sheldon Mc Namara and Tom Hindmarsh will be a goodie and the winner of that match will be playing Chris Ranish in the other semi.

In the Intermediates the winner of coastal neighbours Bob Tosswill and Alistair Boyne will play number one seed Nick Morison in one semi, while Derek Stephens meets Craig Andrews in the other.

There a number of new or returning to golf players have entered in the Juniors along with a couple who are usually in the Intermediates. Ric Thompson v Nathan Fenwick will meet James Elworthy on the top half of the draw, while the winner of the quarter finalists Malcolm Bridge and Greg Dalton will meet  either Ro Griffith or Chris Wilkie on the other side to complete their semis.

A number of the gals from the District travelled up to Windross to watch Lydia and her pals who put on a fine performance, the weather unfortunately ruined Sundays viewing. While back at home the Club held the Jennian Homes Mens 72/ 36 hole Strokeplay Championships, Big thanks to the Kahui family from Wainuiomata Golf Club for contributing six players to this tournament, four playing in the pure format and and two of the lads Dads playing in the 36 holes.

The Spearman Burns brothers also returned, though they took the relaxed option playing in the 36 holes. A number of players from Royal Wellington also bolstered the numbers.

The Nett winners were the youngest and oldest competitors the field of 70.

Results of the 72 holes 1st local Wairarapa lad Troy Shaw from Mahunga  Gross 72,72,79,71=294, 2nd Caleb Kahui  Wainuiomata Gross 296, 3rd Craig Wilkins Te Maura Gross 309, 4th Joe Cuthers Judgeford Gross 313.

Nett: PNBH lad and local Liam Annis Nett 276, 2nd Dave Clarke Mornington 277, 3rd Hugo Daily RWGC 288, 4th Colin Whibley Smith  291 on a c/b to Davis Lester Clarke 6th Sheldon Mc Namara 292, 7th Mike Edginton Wainuiomata 294 8th Will O Connor 295.

The 36 holes Gross winner Nicolas Changarnier RWGC 76,75-131on a c/b to Peter Spearman Burn Miramar. 3rd Brother Thomas Spearman Burn Miramar Gross 155 4th Local Chris Ranish Gross 157.

Nett: Bill Jones has a stunning couple of rounds to win the Nett 131, 2nd Malcolm Bridge Nett133 3rd Ro Griffiths Nett135, 4th Grizz Kahui Wainuiomata Nett143, 4th Derek Stephens 144 on a c/b to Mark Burn on a c/b to Nick Allen. 8th Robert Kahui Nett148 on a c/b to Graham Archer on a c/b to Malcolm Wood on a c/b to David Kershaw.

Pins were in favourable places for there were loads of twos Winners of the Nearest the Pins were

On Saturday Nathan Astwood, Hagen Faith, Davis Lester Clarke (2) Joe Cuthers, Craig Wilkins and Dave Clarke (2).

George Kirk, James Wood, Chris Ranish and Ro Griffiths.

Sunday NTP.

Nathan Astwood ,Troy Shaw,Craig Wilkins (2),Liam Annis, Davis Lester Clarke, Ashley Davies and Darin Hiroki.

Neville Goldie, Chris Ranish, Bill Cathie and Malcolm Bridge.

Coming up the Finals of the Womens Club Championships, Good Luck to you all.

Photo Jennian Homes Mens Tournament – Bill Jones (Left) Winner of the 36 holes Nett with Liam Annis Winner 72 hole Nett. Bill was the oldest player in the field while  Liam  the youngest player in the field.
Photo Credit: Karen Stephens.

MCG News 19/09/17



The Club Championships have commenced, and  with very little golf being played over this Winter a number of players have found themselves in new divisions this year. The top seeds in the Womens Silver Championships Pip Kirk and Kris Chamberlain have byes this week. Sandra Petersen(4) will be playing Jenny Boyne (5) and Sherry Weatherstone (3) is playing Jenny Wilkie (6).

In Bronze A  four of these gals have eased themselves into this Division. Bindy Mc Leod has the Bye. Ju Allen(5) v Honor Clark(4), Marilyn Mackenzie(3) v Karen Shaw (6)and Jo Loe(7) v Carol Parkinson (2).

Bronze B Marie Scrimshaw(1) v Elaine Howe(8), Angela Busby (5) v Louise Smith(4), Sue Dalton (3) v Alison Tipler(6) and  Nicola Warren (7) v Emily Loughnan (2).

It will be the very first time that these four stateswomen have not played in the main Club Championships opting to play Vets this time. Mariana McDermott v Robyn Blackett and Jaclyn Kras v Sylvia Beavis.

Last Wednesday the women played Bisque par with Jaclyn Kras winning the Comp with +6 on a c/b to Carol Parkinson. All Teed Up NTP on Number 6 went to Sandra Petersen while Louise Smith picked up the Medici Voucher NTP on Number 8. No twos.

The Nine holers played a stable ford round and the limelight has been shining in a new direction over the last couple of months down on the new gals. Congrats to Debbie Coom winning with 21 stable ford points, 2nd Julie Weber 19 pts, 3rd Ann Renall 16pts. Leaders Susan Stephens NTP on 16 was won by Jenny Tucker. They too commence their CC matches this week.

Everyone loves the taste of Lamb and a rich buttery Chardonnay is good with just about any kind of vegetable or salad so it was of no surprise that the annual Lamb and Chardonnay Ambrose Tournament has a wait list a week out from the day. The organisers would like to thank all those who entered the Eastwood Motor Group Ambrose Tournament  making it a runaway success on Sunday. One putt seperated the top 5 placings with 1st place going to Team Mike Paterson having the perfect combo a very low handicap, a mid fielder and the others in the mid twenties winning with a Nett 56.5.  2nd Going for birdies on every hole with a combined handicap of just 3.75 Team Ivan Karaitiana’s  Eastwood MG Nett 57.25. 3rd Locals Colin Whibley Smith and Co Nett 57.375  on a c/b to Clark and Co. 5th Lizzy Thomson inclusion propelled Team Thomson to their winning score and spoils Nett 57.5.

Loads of raffle and spot prizes generously donated by Eastwood Motor Group and friends of Martinborough Golf made the winners very happy.

The Thursday Club continues to be the most popular day on the Mens calendar , this week fifty eight players were there for their weekly fix. Playing some superb golf of late Malcolm Bridge won the days Competition with 44 stableford points. 2nd Murray Blackwell with 41pts on a c/b to Sandra Petersen. 4th Chris Wilkie back from the UK and with coaching from his dad Maurice on 40pts on a c/b to Bevan Sweeney. 6th Rob Smith 39 pts. 7th Colin Whibley Smith 38 pts on a c/b to Keith Rayner on a c/b to Terry Blacktop on a c/b to Guy Walmsley on a c/b to Tony Taylor from Featherston on a c/b to Sandy Bidwill. NTP on Number 8 went to Sheldon Mc Namara who picked up his two on number 6. Other to get a two were Malcolm Wood, David Kershaw, Douglas Clark and Bob Tosswill.

The finals of the AB Martin Fourball was played on Thursday, Malcolm Bridge and Colin Whibley Smith were on fire on the back nine dashing all hope to their opposition Shane Hartnell and Alistair Boyne, Malcolm and Colin slotting five birdies on the last ten holes. What a match winning 4/3.

The finals of the Harry Kershaw Foursomes were played on Saturday , the pairing of Dale Scrimshaw and Derek Stephens after a very poor start had a bit of a discussion walking to the 5th tee. It worked, winning on the 5th they settled down to gain some traction and control of their game against  Doug Clark and Trevor Petersen. Dale and Derek successfully securing the title on the 17th for 2017.

Thanks Gary Allan from EMG for coming along with the Trailer BBQ, Much appreciated.

Photo Guy Walmsley.

MCG News 29/08/17



Thursday Club was pumping  last week with thirty seven players entered into the days Competition. The Course having been closed since Sunday meant that everything was  fresh for the lads.

Greg Dalton took advantage and blitzed the field with 42 stableford points. Stu Taplin after a long sabbatical found a number of greens in regulation was runner up with 39 pts. 3rd Douglas Clark with 38 pts on a c/b to Captain Bill Crook on a c/b to Guy Walmsley. 6th George Kirk with 37 pts. 7th Randal Warner with 36 pts. Good numbers meant the prize list went down to 8th with Davis Clarke 35pts on a c/b to Mike Hattrick on a c/b to Malcolm Wood.

Ed Elworthy picked up the Nearest the Pin on Number 8 just missing the conversion.

Shane Hislop picked up his two on number 16 while George Kirk got his on Number 6.

The Nine hole group headed to the beach and played at Ngawi on Wednesday. The comp was Putting and the course was looking magnificent. The group  thoroughly enjoyed their round with spectacular  views of the Kaikoura ranges across the Bay and the swell wasn’t too bad either for those who stopped off for a surf on the way home. 1st Julie Weber with 13 Putts, 2nd Sherryl Howie with 14 putts and 3rd Phil Reid with 15 Putts. The group would like to thank the greens staff at Ngwai for the great work they put into their course.

The Riverside Cup team played their final round at Carterton on Friday winning 3.5 to 2.5 against Masterton. Wins to Sandra Petersen 2 Up, Jenny Wilkie 1 Up, Karen Shaw 3/2 and a handy half to Jaclyn Kras. Congrats to Eketahuna for winning the Riverside Competition and to Runners Up Masterton.

The Tilson Salver team played at Mahunga against Masterton on Sunday and came away with 2 wins Sandra Petersen 5/4 and Cathy Taylor 1 Up. Congrats to Masterton, winner for 2017 and to Runners up Mahunga.

Jaclyn Kras and Jenny Boyne were a late entry into the Pahiatua Womens American Foursomes on Thursday and Jaclyn from the USA played really well to give them line honours winning the Tournament with a Nett 56. The format along with the  delicious soup and Port on offer thru the hatch was magic.

Next Tuesday the women are off to Royal Wellington Golf Club  to play the ladies of Heretaunga in the annual Lady Stout fixture. A reminder that Tee off is at 9am.