MCG News 04/11/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

We certainly have experienced some interesting spring weather over the last week with freezing rain one day and hot sun the next!!

Last week the 9 holers held the 9 Hole Open Day Stableford with 72 in the field, participation from 11 Clubs.  Weather was perfect and a fun day was had by all. Mens Division : 1st: Julian Howard 23 Pauatahanui, 2nd: Vallis Peet 16 C/b Feilding, 3rd: Colin Payne 16 Waikanae. Ladies Division 1: 1st: Sherryl Howie 21 Martinborough, 2nd: Heather Haswell 20 Feilding, 3rd: Fiona Burrows 20 Pauatahanui. Ladies Division 2: 1st: Jaquee Reid 23 & Winner of the Barb Smith Open Day Trophy –Martinborough, 2nd: Allison Russell 22 Martinborough, 3rd: Jodine Bunn 21 Paraparaumu Beach.

The grumpies decided against venturing out in the nasty weather so no results from them!

The ladies shootout final was held last Wednesday.  It was a close competition with several chip outs along the way to determine who would be next to drop out.  In fact, even the decider for first and second places came down to a chip out.  In the end Angela Busby had a great chip which landed about 30 cm from the hole, but Sylvia Beavis’s was even better and she took top prize.

Thursday was a miserable day but 29 golfers braved the fairways, 1stNick Morison (46), 2ndCraig Andrews and Andrew Sim (41), 4thBrian Russo (40). Nearest the pin – George Kirk, Twos: Craig Andrews took the entire pot!

The weekend was a mixed bag of weather but we saw 17 couples entered for the 36 hole mixed foursomes (only 3 couples entered for the 72 hole, so this was shelved). Gross:- 1stNuki Gordon & Sereana Phillips, 2ndNigel & Ailsa Malneek, 3rdNick & Ju Allen. Nett:- 1stTrevor & Sandra Petersen (who also won the Sunday stableford challenge with a brilliant 48 points AND put the winnings on the bar – Cheers Gumboot!) 2ndRick Hargreaves & Elaine Howe, 3rdDayle Scrimshaw & Emily Laughan. Stableford:- 1stRo & Lyle Griffiths, 2ndDerek & Kareen Stephens, 3rdRaymond Matthews & Nicky Warren. Thanks to sponsors Pain & Kershaw and Sandra for organising the event so well.

Finally, we sadly report the death of Ivan Taplin, an absolute stalwart of the Martinborough Golf Club who did huge amounts of work making the club what it is today.  He will be sadly missed and are thoughts are with his family; there will be many happy golfing and euchre memories from all who knew him.