MCG News 28/10/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

Well golfers, another great week of weather and a full round up to report for all groups!

Grumpies start us off with Peter Price and Terry Blacktop winning with 43, 3rdGriff Page 41 and 4thNick Allen 40.

The 9 holers went to Eketahuna last week for a fun day, a great day was had by all, Katrina Burgess came in with the best score of the day, and was extra special as it was her Birthday.

Last week the club held two Murray Halberg competitions.  The ladies winner on Sunday was Marie Scrimshaw and on Wednesday the winner was Marion McKenzie (on a countback from Sylvia Beavis).

Thursday club’s winner was Julie Warner on a whopping 47! 2ndMalcolm Bridge 43, 3rdTrevor Hawkins and Sandy Bidwill 42. Nearest the pin – Ed Elworthy, twos: Greg Dalton, Malcolm Bridge, Sandra Petersen, Chris Ranish & Nick Allen.  The annual ‘Smiddy’s Day Tournament’ has been booked in for 6thDecember, more details closer to the time.

Sunday’s competition was nett and the winner was Darren O’Dwyer 66, 2ndKaren Stephens 67, 3rdMalcolm Bridge and Marie Scrimshaw 68, 5thRo Griffiths, John Taylor, Trevor Hawkins, Bill Jones, George Kirk & Trevor Petersen 69.

The course is looking fantastic, special thanks to Trevor, Dayle and their army of volunteers. The final piece of exciting news isthe appointment of a new Head Greenkeeper. Tim Bargh will commence with the club on 5thNovember. Tim is born and bred in South Wairarapa and is currently 2nd in command at Miramar Golf Club.

Enjoy the week and hopefully no lawyers will be required after the 72 holes mixed foursomes – good golfing everyone!