MCG News 21/10/18

Martinborough Golf Report

Reporter: Ailsa Malneek

Well, what a weather turn-around – suddenly we’ve been plunged into a taste of summer (to come hopefully)!  All the various golfing contingents got games this week.

Grumpies played stableford and the winner was Gary Cuttance 41 points from Guy Walmsley and Bill Jones 40 with Murray Blackwell and Lester Smith on 39.

The 9 holers played Best Nett & Shootout the winner was Billie Holmes 34, 2ndBarbie Cox 36, and 3rdSherryl Howie and Leonie Wilde 38.

The ladiesClub Championship finals were held last Wednesday.  The weather was perfect and there was some great golf played.  The Silvers had an epic battle seeing Debbie Donaldson and Kris Chamberlein going right up to the wire with Debbie winning by one putt on the 36th hole.  In the Plate Jenny Wilkie and Carol Parkinson had to go to the 19th hole to decide their match.  Putting is not usually Jenny’s strongest point, but in this match she sunk the final putt from several metres away!  The Bronze A match was played between Bindy McLeod and Karen with Bindy coming out on top.  Sylvia Beavis was the winner of the Plate. The Bronze B battle was between Lyle Griffiths and Angela Busby with Lyle’s greater experience coming to the fore. Sharon and Elaine Howe had a very friendly close match for the Plate but Elaine was lucky on the day. In the Vets division Pamela got the better of Mariana McDermott and Louise beat Jan.

Thursday club winners were Gary Cuttance, Bill Gordon, Andy Pottinger and Julie Warner with 42 points, 5thEd Elworthy 41. Nearest the pin: Nick Allen, twos: Trev Hawkins, Malcolm Wood and Nick Allen.

Sunday was a stunning day and was Murray Halberg day. The men’s winner was Malcolm Wood 41, 2ndTerry Fraei 40, 3rdBill Jones, Mike Newport & Marcus Howie 39. Nearest the pin Derek Stephens, twos: Derek Stephens, Craig Colton, George Kirk, Terry Fraei and Bill Jones. The ladies winner was Marie Scrimshaw 41, 2ndTingey Davidson 40 and 3rdJulie Warner 37. Nearest the pin: Cathy Taylor.

It’s not too late to enter the 72/36 hole mixed foursomes ‘divorce-a-ment’ 3rd/4thNovember – entries to Sue or Sandra.

The forecast for the weekend is possible precipitation, but hopefully it won’t deter too much play – good golfing everyone!