Tuesday Tome 13th December 2022

Last Tuesday Grumpies had a good turnout with Ed Brown taking the money with 40 points, Andrew McKenzie, John Tanner and Kane Sim 38, Mariana McDermott, Martin Napier and Raymond Matthews 37 points.  Twos went to Ro Griffiths, Kane Sim, John Tanner, Ed Brown and Jason Shaw.  Next Tuesday (20th) will be the last Grumpies until 17th January.

Thursday Club also had a good turnout with Lloyd Warren winning with 41 points, George Kirk and Rob Lopez 39, Jason Shaw 37 and Greg Dalton 36 points.  Nearest the pin went to Griff Page and twos went to Vern Anton, Lloyd Warren, Andy Morison, Griff Page, Jason Shaw, Pete Price and Mark Mason.

On Sunday we had our Members Only Xmas Cheer and Closing Day.  The competition was Lone Ranger and the winning team with 91 points was Ro Griffiths, Angela Busby, Colin Whibley-Smith and Ed Brown, 2nd Kris Chamberlain, Karen Shaw, Chris Brown and Trevor Petersen (89), 3rd Rob Coy, Andy Morison, Brent McKinlay and Randal Warner (88), 4th Guy Walmsley, Rick Hargreaves and Jane Fanselow-Price (86), 5th Anna Possenniskie, Neil McKirdy, Bob Schofield and Kelly Taylor (85) and 6th Nigel Malneek, Chris Ranish, JD Smith and Derek Stephens (83).  Nearest the pins were Peter Schenk #6, Neil McKirdy #8, Glen Schofer #12 and Mary Isaac #16.  Longest drives went to George Fenwick 0-18, Vern Anton 19+, Mary Isaac 0-18 and Nicola Warren 19+.  Best Stableford for the ladies went to Jane Fanselow-Price with 49 points and 2nd was Marilyn MacKenzie with 46.  Best Stableford for the men was Pete Halstead with 39 points and 2nd David Stevenson also on 39.

This Thursday is Smiddy’s Tournament – if you are playing please make sure to have your card in before 12pm and the cost is $10.

That’s it for another week.
