Tuesday Tome 6thDecember 2022

The golfing year is nearly over with Members only Xmas Cheer & Closing Day on Sunday and Smiddy’s Tournament next Thursday (15th).  If you are keen to play in either or both of these please let the office know – it really helps the match committee with organising  prizes and catering.

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) is the AGM starting at 5.30pm- relevant documentation has already been circulated – can you please let the office know of any apologies.

Ju Allen has asked me to pass on her apologies to Anna Possenniskie for missing her off the prize list on Sunday.  Talking of Sunday we hosted the Masterborough Tournament – the average stableford score for Masterton was 29.9 and for Martinborough was 32.60.  The winners in the Ladies division were:  1st Karen Shaw 41, 2nd Bindy McLeod 40, 3rd Jill Lockett (Masterton) 37, 4th Carol Parkinson 37, 5th Ju Allen 36, 6th Anna Possenniskie 36, 7th Sherry Weatherstone 35, 8th Emily Loughnan 35, 9th Sue Fox 34 and 10th Sandra Petersen 34.  In the mens division:  1st Seamus O’Sullivan 42, 2nd George Kirk 41, 3rd Brett Abercrombie 39, 4th Glenn Harper 38, 5th Pete Halstead 37, 6th Trevor Petersen 37, 7th Rob Lopez 36, 8th Mark Mason 35, 9th Ritch Wood 35 and 10th Dayle Scrimshaw 35.  Twos went to Sherry Weatherstone (2), Martin Napier, Anna Possenniskie, Seamus O’Sullivan, Emily Loughnan, Jason Shaw, Karen Shaw, George Kirk, Rob Lopez, John Warner, Murray Johnston (Masterton) and Murray Schofield (Masterton).   Longest drives:  ladies 0-18.4 Anna Possenniskie, 18.5+ Marie Scrimshaw, men 0-18 Sam Forrester (Masterton), 19+ Trevor Petersen.  Nearest the pins:  #6 Seamus O’Sullivan, #8 Sherry Weatherstone, #12 Nuki Gordon (Masterton) and #16 Ritch Wood.

That’s all for this week.
