Tuesday Tome 25th October 2022

The course is looking amazing at the moment – what a difference a week makes to the conditions underfoot.

Club Championship finals are rapidly approaching with matches due to be played on Saturday 5th November so if you are not playing why not come and support the finalists.

This Sunday we are hosting Eketahuna in the Baarbraa Trophy – this is a Stableford competition and the team with the best points average wins.  We have lost the last two rounds so it would be really good if we could bring the trophy back where it belongs.  Tee off is 11.30am – cards in by 11.00am please.

Onto results from last week:  there was a good turnout of Grumpies last week with the winner on the day being Jason Shaw with 39 points, Pete Price, Pete Halstead, Malcolm Bridge, Malcolm Wood, Ed Brown and John Warner all with 35 points.  Twos went to John Warner, Troy Shaw, Richards Thompson and Pete Price.

On Wednesday the 18 holers played a Stableford round with Marilyn MacKenzie winning on a countback with 35 points from Lyle Griffiths, Adele Cairns 33 and Julie Weber 32.  Nearest the pins went to Kelly Taylor on #6 and Lyle Griffiths on #8 – sadly there were no twos.

The 9 holers played their semi final matches of club championships.  Going through to the final are Debbie Coom and Jane Fanselow-Price in Division A and Jo Guscott will play Kay Harvey in Division B.  The plate winners are Billie Holmes Division A and Lizzy Thomson Division B.

There was a good turnout for Thursday Club with the ever colourful Bob Schofield leading the way with 41 points, Jackie Pope (Muriwai) and Sandra Petersen 37 and Raymond Matthews 36 points.  Twos went to Peter Schenk (2), Nick Allen, Jason Shaw, Brent Woodmiss (Mahunga) and Andy Morison.  Nearest the pin was Matt Thomas.

Saturdays competition was a Stableford round with Marilyn MacKenzie the winner with 41 points and there was only one two which went to Peter Schenk.

Sunday was also a Stableford round with a few more out playing.  Steven Croft was the winner with 41 points, Colin Whibley-Smith and Mark Mason 39 and Karen Stephens 37 points.  Twos went to Brett Abercrombie, Rob Lopez, Alec Dondertman and Karen Stephens.

That’s it for this week.
