Tuesday Tome 2nd May 2023

Beautiful warm day today which will hopefully be drying the course out.  Quite a few Grumpies out enjoying the sunshine.

The meeting that was held last night to discuss the new clubhouse went well and notes from it will be sent out to all members later this week.  Apologies for the Zoom meeting – had a couple of technical hitches.

Coming up this week we have the Eastwood Motor Group Beef & Burgundy on Friday (course closed) teeing off at 10.30am and on Saturday we are hosting Division 11 interclub play offs teeing off at 8.30am closely followed by a number of green fee players.  Sunday morning we are hosting ladies interclub, Tilson Salver, and they will be teeing off the 1st from 9.40am.  Then on Monday we are hosting 9 hole interclub who will be teeing off multiple tees from 10.00am so if you looking to play I would suggest you leave it until the afternoon.

Next Friday (12th) Featherston Wrestling Club are holding a 4 person Ambrose Golf Day here to raise funds to send Nate George and Angus Read who have been selected to join the NZ Wrestling team to compete at the 2023 Oceania Championships in August in Sydney.  Email enquiries and entries to featherstonamateurwrestling@gmail.com.

Attached is the flyer for the Ngahau Trophy/Grandmas/Grandpas tournament which is members only to be played on Sunday 28th May.

On to results from last week:  Grumpies played Hidden Holes Stableford with John Warner leading the way with 39 points, Rick Thompson 34, Alison Tipler and Guy Walmsley 32 points.  Twos went to Rick Hargreaves, John Warner and Rick Thompson.

On Wednesday the 18 holers played a Stableford round with Adele Cairns the winner with 34 points, Sandra Petersen 33 and Kelly Taylor 29.  Adele was the only one to get a two and nearest the pins went to Katrina Burgess on #8 and it would appear no one hit the green in one on #6.

The 9 holers played Thurlow 4BBB with the winners on the day Jenny Joblin and Tania Williamson 24 points, Lizzy Thomson and Ali Russell 22 points.  The 9 holers also played interclub last week at Miramar when they had 3 and a half wins with all matches being decided on the last hole.

Thursday Club had a reasonable turnout last week with Kheinan Morrissey winning with 41 points, Malcolm Wood 40, Colin Whibley-Smith, Ed Elworthy, Lisa Marie Ireland and Rob Smith all on 38 points.  Nearest the pin went to Trevor Petersen and twos went to Lisa Marie Ireland, Randal Warner, Andrew McKenzie, Rick Hargreaves, Colin Whibley-Smith and Sandra Petersen.

The weekends competition was Stableford – Derek Stephens, Brett Abercrombie and Ed Brown all had 36 points and there were no twos.

On Sunday the Marquis Shield team played at Masterton against Pahiatua and came away with 13.5 points to 4.5 which has certainly helped them move up the leader board.

Competitions for the coming week are as follows:  ladies 18 holes if not playing Captains Trophy will be playing Stableford, 9 holers will be playing Sue Bunt Nett/Shoot Out/LGU and the weekend competitions are Par rounds.

That is all from me this week – have a good one.
