Tuesday Tome 26th September 2022

It is good to see the sun shining along with a gentle breeze to help dry the course out – long may it last.

Coming up this weekend we are hosting the Mens 54/36 Hole Open kindly sponsored by Trust House – if you are keen to play let me know – entries close on Thursday.

Tomorrow the Ladies are hosting the Wairarapa Ladies 4BBB so fingers crossed for another fine day.  Gentlemen if you are thinking of playing tomorrow I would advise you stay away until mid afternoon as the ladies will be teeing off multiple tees in the morning.

Entries are still being taken for the 9 Hole Open Day on Monday 10th October and there are a couple of slots left for the Lamb & Chardonnay on 16th October.  All entries to the office please.

On to the results from last week:  there was a good turnout of Grumpies playing a Stableford round with Rick Hargreaves leading the way with 41 points from Shayne Hammond on 39, Brian Russo and Tony Taylor 35 points.  Twos went to Terry Blacktop and Nick Allen.

On Wednesday the 9 holers played a Stableford with Lizzy Thomson winning on a countback with 17 points from Debbie Coom and Tania Williamson on 16 points.

The 18 holers also played Stableford with Alison Tipler the winner on 37 points, Marie Scrimshaw on 34 and Sandra Petersen on 33 points.  Nearest the pins went to Mariana McDermott on #6 and Sandra on #8.  Mariana was the only one who managed to get a two.

There was a reasonable turnout for Thursday Club with Stu Taplin winning on a countback with 37 points from Brian Russo, Shayne Hammond and Jason Shaw.  Twos went to Rob Lopez, Bevan Sweeney and Bob Schofield.  Bob also got nearest the pin.

On Sunday we hosted the AB Martin Mixed 4Somes – it was great to see the “Martin Girls” – they are always very entertaining with lots of stories to tell.  The winners were father/daughter team Doug & Olivia Clark with nett 70, 2nd Richard & Nicola Warren 75, 3rd Brent McKinlay & Ju Allen 76, 4th Jason Shaw & Cate Crombie 76, 5th Trevor & Sandra Petersen 76, 6th Mark Mason & Kris Chamberlain 78, 7th George Kirk & Philippa Smith 79, 8th Andy & Netia Morison 79, and 9th Aage & Jane Terpstra 79.

That’s it for another week.
